
How can you secure the best outcomes for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities?

At the end of this course, staff will be able to:
  • Understand what is meant by SEND and the graduated approach
  • Confidently assess pupils’ needs
  • Employ practical strategies to deliver inclusive, high-quality teaching and support
  • Develop effective partnerships with parents, teaching assistants and other professionals

The course was developed in partnership with Natalie Packer. 

Most popular new


Suitable for primary and secondary teachers, support staff and senior leaders. It consists of five sessions, that are easily adaptable to the timings and needs of your school. 


Sessions in detail

Session 1 - A whole-school approach to SEND (90 minute leadership session)


  • Revisit and review the school’s vision for SEND
  • Refine the whole-school approach for meeting the needs of pupils with SEND
  • Create a plan for empowering staff through the following four CPD sessions
Session 2 - Introduction to special educational needs and disabilities (90 minutes)

  • Understand what is meant by SEND and the graduated approach
  • Develop an awareness of key legislation and guidance, including the SEND Code of Practice 
  • Share strategies for making reasonable adjustments for pupils with SEND
Session 3 - Inclusive, high-quality teaching (90 minutes)
  • Understand the role of the teacher in meeting the needs of pupils with SEND
  • Identify the key elements of inclusive, high-quality teaching and share strategies for the classroom
  • Discuss considerations for using feedback effectively with pupils who have SEND
Session 4 - Successful SEND support (90 minutes)
  • Understand the teacher’s role in the ‘assess, plan, do, review’ cycle
  • Plan for successful SEND support
  • Know what makes interventions effective
Session 5 - Working in partnership (100 minutes)
  • Explore how to effectively deploy teaching assistants (TAs) to support pupils with SEND
  • Consider practical ways of collaborating with parents/carers
  • Understand the roles of other professionals who support pupils with SEND

How it works

We've created The Key CPD Toolkit to take the time, cost and effort out of developing your own training.

“The Key’s commitment to understanding schools’ needs and producing quality training was clear to see throughout the development of course."     ​Elina Lam, content partner for our course on Metacognition

Using our training is simple:

1. Download the materials, created with subject specialists, and quality assured for your peace of mind

2. Quickly adapt the resources to meet the needs of your school 

3. Deliver engaging training, with the support of comprehensive facilitator guidance

4. Evaluate the impact of your training to identify areas where staff need further support

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