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Asbestos awareness for school staff

30 mins
Certificate included

Use this 30-minute course to make sure all staff in your school are aware of the risks associated with asbestos. Equip your team, especially those who might accidentally disturb asbestos, with the information they need to stay safe.

Who it's for

All staff

Find out more
Last reviewed on 18 November 2024
Ref: 2087

This course covers:

  • What asbestos is and why it’s dangerous
  • Where in school it could be found
  • Who is responsible for asbestos in your school
  • How to avoid disturbing asbestos
  • How to typically report any damage that could lead to the release of asbestos

This course is designed for all school staff, to give them an awareness of asbestos and its risks.

Details about asbestos, where it is and how it's managed will differ based on your setting. If you’re the dutyholder or appointed person, you’ll need to provide staff with specific details about:

  • Your asbestos management plan and where staff can find it
  • Who’s responsible for what when it comes to asbestos
  • Where asbestos is in your buildings
  • Controls you have in place to prevent asbestos disturbance
  • Your emergency procedures
  • Who to report any damage or deterioration to asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

Workers who plan to carry out any work which will disturb asbestos require a higher level of information, instruction and training, in addition to asbestos awareness training.

We'd love to hear your feedback

If you've completed this course, we'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Our feedback form takes about 3 to 5 minutes to complete.

We want our training to be a positive experience for all learners. If you have any access needs (for example, a visual impairment or dyslexia), please let us know to see how we can help by contacting [email protected].


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