Supporting pupils with medical needs

Supporting pupils with medical needs

30 mins
Certificate included

Use this 30-minute course to help all staff understand their responsibilities in supporting pupils with medical needs. This includes how to effectively use individual healthcare plans (IHPs) and provide social and emotional support to students.

Who it's for

This training is primarily aimed at classroom staff and regular support staff, for example, lunchtime supervisors. It should not be used as training for medical emergencies.

Find out more
Last reviewed on 8 November 2024
Ref: 2086

This course covers:

  • What is meant by the term ‘medical need’
  • How to support pupils with medical needs in school
  • What IHPs are and how to use them
  • How to support pupils’ social and emotional needs
  • How to support pupils’ friends, siblings and classmates

This course is designed for all school staff to give them an awareness of how to support pupils with a range of medical needs in your school. This should not be used instead of specific training for particular medical procedures (e.g. administering an adrenaline auto-injector, e.g. an EpiPen).

Alongside this training, we recommend you provide all staff with the appropriate links to your policy on supporting pupils with medical conditions and administering medications. If you have any additional policies relating to medical needs (e.g. an allergy policy), we recommend sharing those as well.

More resources on supporting pupils with medical conditions for your school.

Guidance and templates to help you meet your statutory requirements

Supporting pupils with medical conditions policy: model, guidance and examples

Adapt our model policy for supporting pupils with medical conditions, or use our checklist and examples from schools, to make sure your current policy is meeting requirements. Find guidance on how to support pupils with complex medical needs.

Individual healthcare plans: guidance and templates

Learn when and how to create an individual healthcare plan to support pupils with medical conditions. See a template plan from the DfE, and example plans for pupils with epilepsy, diabetes and allergies.

Taking medical information on trips

Taking pupils with medical conditions on trips requires a little extra preparation. Learn what medical information you should take with you and how to store it safely

Pupil allergy policy: model and examples

Allergy is one of the most common chronic conditions in children. Download and adapt our model policy to help make your school 'allergy aware' and see examples from other schools.